Poetry in Motion

Compose. Share. Inspire!

Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or just a bard in training, Poetry in Motion

provides a unique platform to craft, experiment, and share your creativity.


Buy a pack and start playing today!

Oft Asked Inquiries

How do I play?

1: Buy one or more packs of randomly selected collectible words from the Buy Word Packs Page.

2: Drag and drop words to create your poem on the Create Poems Page.

3: Save your poetic expression and share it with the world!

What kinds of words are in a starter pack?

Starter packs include a variety of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other types of words you’ll need to build your first poem.

What do I do after I get my words?

Head over to the Create Poems page. There you will see all the words you own and can drag and drop those words to create a poem on the board. Select a background, then “Combine and Save” your poem.

How do I reuse words already in a poem?

On the My Poems page you can view all of your completed poems. If you click on one, in the popup menu you can delete the poem. Deleting the poem will split the words back up into individual words for them to be used in future poems.

If I buy a completed poem from a marketplace, can I split it up to use the words?

Yes! One way to get an exact word you’re looking for is to buy an existing poem that contains that word. It will show up in your “My Poems” page where you’ll be able to delete the poem to break it into individual words.